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Frozen Treat & Coffee Lounge
A new frozen treat and coffee lounge at the crossroads of town.

Graffit Corner is owned and operated by John & Patti Kasper.  Born and raised in Fairmont, MN both have remained connected to the community throughout their lives.


Graffiti Corner gets its namesake from the old lumberyard graffiti shed that existed on the site for over 50 years.  The new building preserves this historical landmark by using some of the original graffiti shed materials within the store’s design and encouraging tagging on some of the interior walls.


John and Patti's vision for the business came together after many years of driving by this highly visible and prominent landmark (and perhaps tagging the building a few times too) and recognizing the opportunity that was right before their eyes: to take an underutilized community focal point and give it new life.


Graffiti Corner was born as a frozen treat and full service coffee lounge, complete with coffee drive-thru for that cup on the run.


Graffiti Corner offers a refreshing and inviting gathering place at the crossroads of Fairmont’s Albion Avenue and South State Street - two highly trafficked streets connecting north and south Fairmont, and located within walking distance from the high school, hospital, medical buildings, lakes, sport fields, Aquatic Park and more.


Yet, the real attraction of Graffiti Corner comes not so much from what is sold, rather from the feeling one gets when visiting.  It is this, the experience, which makes Graffiti Corner the place to come back to time and time again.


Graffiti Corner frozen treat and coffee lounge - a totally opposite, yet totally complementary experience:

  • Hot and cold.

  • Winter and summer.

  • Morning and evening.

  • Dine in.  Drive-thru.

  • Made for you. Made by you.

  • Coffeehouse drinks.  Frozen yogurt and soft-serve treats.


This then, is Graffiti Corner, a refreshing and inviting gathering place at the heart of Fairmont.

© 2016 Graffiti Corner LLC

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